Back to my roots

I am beginning the new year in earnest like so many of us.  My lists have been complied.  My are reflections done.  The vast expanse of 2020 looms ahead.

One of my goals for the year is to get back to a steady writing practice.  I have set a theme for each month.  January is dedicated to roots.  I will be cooking all types of root veg in a myriad of ways.

Carrots are up first. Bright and cheery they are a stand out vegetable in mid winter.  Their pop of color, sweetness and versatility bring them to the forefront in the colder days ahead.

I started New Year’s Day with a spicy carrot, pear, and ginger lime  juice.  It’s a quick process once all the veg and fruit have been peeled and cored.  I like to add a bit of citrus to my juices in the winter for a bit of zing.

Tomorrow I may continue with the raw theme.  There is a red cabbage and small bundle of scallions that require some attention.  I think a crunchy ‘slaw is in order.




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