Nutty Goodness

Quinoa is one of those grains to cook in large amounts.  It turns into a gloriously delicious salad  the next day and the day after that.  The grains absorb all the flavor from the vinaigrette and have a subtle nutty chew that adds texture to the dish. Tonight’s quinoa salad is combined wih carrot, garlic,…

Sweet Little Number

Another chicken roasting in the oven.  There have been enough comments in previous posts extolling my love for the humble roasted bird.  It was necessary this week to have a steady supply of stock on hand. The 2014 Brovia Dolcetto d’Alba is open and pairing beautifully with the now roasted chicken.  In terms of hierarchy Dolcetto is…

Some Improvement

Not much happening the in the kitchen today.  Hunkered down with the last of the chicken soup and tea spiked with tumeric, ginger, and lemon.  All in an effort to kick what ails me. It would seem that chicken soup is good for the soul.  The cold could not last forever.  The remedies seemed to…

Soup Remedy

It’s not clear if this is allergies or a monster head cold.  Regardless today’s sniffles needed the TLC that only chicken soup can provide. Funnily enough two out of the last five days there has been chicken stock simmering away happily on the stove.  Prepping for the unknown I suppose. The broth today was simmered with…

Weekend Wine Pairing

It’s Sunday.  That day of the week when dinner goes one of two ways.  Either there is a big extravagant meal planned and roasting or there is a pile of disparate materials spread out on the cutting board with not much else planned from there. Today was the latter. Before me was a grilled chicken…

Steamed Buns

I set out to make steamed bbq buns only to realize half way through the process I had never replaced my bamboo steamer.  With dough rising in a bowl on the counter and chicken braising with green onion, garlic, ginger, and leeks it was too late to turn back. The dough for the buns is…

In my pantry there is…

a jar of vanilla paste.  It is something I started using years ago while working in pastry kitchens in California.  It adds a deeper flavor to sweet baked goods than vanilla extract.  Unlike delicate pods the paste comes in a jar.  There is little chance of it drying out.  (Aside – don’t throw out dried…


There is a little place near the top of Fremont Ave with steamed up windows that offers lattes, lunch, and a thoughtful selection of sustainably produced wine.  It is a clever combination of cafe and wine shop. Vif is the perfect place to stop for a morning latte on the run to work.  The wait…

An Electric Jolt

Spring can have that effect. The sudden pops of color against the muted background of yards and open spaces shrouded in winter slumber.  First the brave violet and canary yellow crocus burst forth.  Now daffodils line pathways and chartreuse buds appear on trees. Soon enough the evergreen piles of kale and chard will be in…

By the seashore

  Muscadet sur lie was made for shellfish.  Born out of the chalky soil on the western tip of the Loire valley the wine reeks of crushed stones, seaweed, and finishes with a distinctive salty tang. It is the perfect partner for the seafood of the Pacific Northwest.  Winter’s chill may still have a strong…


More shellfish treats from the specialists at Hama Hama Oyster Farm. This time  two kinds of their eponymous  bivalves are sampled: the Hama Hama and Henderson Inlet. To appreciate their subtle differences in flavor and texture the oysters are best served freshly shucked over ice.  A zesty mignonette can add another layer of flavor to…


Strolling through the farmers market this morning in the stunning Seattle sunshine.  I have for years enjoyed making the loop up and down Market St.  The historic buildings cast a long shadow even at 10am.  The mood is buoyant. While signs of spring may be popping up in neighborhoods around the city with forsythia and…